DUI Leads

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No more click fraud or dead end leads. We send you qualified leads that perfectly match your needs, when you're ready for them!

Early Bird Pricing

Choose a Package Below to Join our System and Prepare for Leads.

Package A


Get 5 exclusive, prequalified leads for $500 each. You're notified by text and/or email. Choose the leads you want, and swipe away any leads you don't want at no cost.

Choose 5 leads

Exclusive to You

All Prequalified

Email/Text Notifications

Package B


Get 10 exclusive, prequalified leads for just $400 each. You're notified by text and/or email. Choose the leads you want, and swipe away any leads you don't want at no cost.

Choose 10 leads

Exclusive to You

All Prequalified

Email/Text Notifications

Don't know what to choose? 

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Lead Generation Experts - Organic, Prequalified Leads to Save You Time & Money.

Quick Preview of Our Portfolio

"We create stacks of websites that draw interested parties from around the Nation. And we qualify those leads, before passing them to those who want them. Sign up and choose your lead settings, to get the RIGHT kind of Qualified Leads, when you want them."

Our vision

WMS is dedicated to revolutionizing the way businesses capture and convert organic traffic. Our innovative approach leverages cutting-edge technology, including AI, to make lead prequalification both efficient and cost-effective.

This enables us to provide you with high-quality, laser-targeted leads at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising channels & in-house prequalification processes.

1. High-Quality Leads at a Lower Cost

We create websites optimized to capture organic traffic, ensuring a steady stream of potential customers without the need for expensive ad campaigns on Google, YouTube, or Facebook. Our AI-powered system prequalifies leads and immediately alerts you when leads match your selection criteria, which allows you to focus on the most promising prospects, for the right prices - which simultaneously avoiding the exhaustion of dead-end consultations.

2. Cost-Effective Prequalification

With our service, you have the freedom to choose which leads to accept. This case-by-case flexibility ensures you are always in control, focusing your resources on the most relevant and valuable leads for your business.

3. Flexible Lead Acceptance

By utilizing AI for lead prequalification, we significantly reduce the costs associated with manual lead assessment. This not only saves you money but also speeds up the process, allowing you to engage with potential customers more quickly.


What Clients Say

"WMS has been a game-changer for our business. The cost savings compared to traditional advertising are significant, and the leads we receive are highly targeted. It's incredible to get such quality without breaking the bank."

Moshe D.

Nationwide Locksmith Dispatcher

"Before WMS, we wasted a lot of time on consultations that went nowhere. Now, with their prequalified leads, we can focus on real prospects who are genuinely interested in our services. It's streamlined our process and boosted our conversion rates."

James S.

Car Accident Attorneys Dispatcher

"Our marketing efforts were struggling, and we were spending too much with little to show for it. WMS has taken that burden off our shoulders, delivering quality leads that actually convert. It's a relief to finally have a reliable source for new business."

Addiction Mkt. Specialists

Alcohol/Drug Abuse Rehab

Innovate to Elevate.

In today's fast-paced market, staying ahead of the competition is crucial. Don't let outdated methods hold you back while others take the lead. Now is the time to harness the power of cutting-edge technology, with WMS.

Simplify your lead aggregation, enhance your business's efficiency, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a streamlined process.

Don't wait until your competitors surpass you; start now to see the improvements to your bottom line, and for your overall business satisfaction.

Take control of your future with WMS today!

DecryptMyLeads (by WMS)

Call Dave @ 616-834-6552


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